Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm craving.

A little under two hours ago, I had a __________  encounter with Jesus. The reason why I fail to describe the encounter is because i really cannot muster up a word in the English vocabulary that would even begin to suffice. Nor does talking about the encounter in a blog give it any justice. If, at all, it must be discussed, said conversation must be done in person. But for now, this is what I give to you:

There you are.
Let's just sit.
I have so many questions.
But for now,
Let's just be.
I need a hug. 
I need a body squeeze.
Tears spill from my eyes,
And I know that's strange.
But I am just so happy.
Because for too long,
I have been desperate to taste and see.
Oh to taste and see.

This is the best sit I have ever had.

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