I hope you are ready for some blog vomit.
Cause you see, if I don't get this out in some form or fashion, then I will have an anxiety attack which leads to numbness of my apendages and a possible ride in an anbulance, with a guaranteed dose of muscle relaxers (which come to think of it, doesn't sound so bad right now).
I love my best guy friend. I am so in love with him, and I have been for a very long time. And I don't know how to get rid of it. He is the only man in the world that I could ever see myself standing by, standing behind, standing to the side of, standing wherever he wants me to stand; the only guy I would gladly submit to in a heartbeat. He brings an encourager out of me, a woman that I had not seen in myself before. He makes me think harder. He respects me the way a woman, a special creation of God, should be respected. He is so silly and he makes me laugh like no one else can make me laugh. He pushes me to love God in a different way, in a better way, in a way that perhaps maybe God intended for us to love Him. I would do anything, go anywhere and be anyone he wants or needs me to be.
It's all so cheesy and gross, and I really can't believe I am posting this.
But it's true.
And I don't think he sees it.